...working together to enhance transparency and report corruption in the administration of public projects

Corruption Reporting in the Eyes of the Suffering Masses in Nigeria

Standpoint Media Nigeria Limited | 13 March, 2020

So, what are members of the suffering masses saying in respect of the very scanty reflection of their views in corruption reporting by the media? It is considered a big question to be answered by them because who gets to speak is also about who gets to decide what is done about corruption. Hence the paradox if those who most suffer the effects of corruption exercise little or no discursive power over its elimination, going by what Prof Sam Oyovbaire revealed in the lecture we have already referenced. Oyovbaire’s point has been aggravated by the hostility of the power elite to the little leverage the social media has given to ordinary people in terms of voice. All manner of laws are being cooked up to block such openings in the name of fighting ‘fake news’, ‘hate speeches’ and similar stuff.  This report is, therefore, at the heart of the strategy of amplifying ‘voices from below’. So, it is important asking the question of what the masses say on what do about systematic exclusion from corruption reporting, its impact and how it might be corrected? 
Read More => https://intervention.ng/18449/ Download Full Report

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