Posted on 05 Nov, 2018 by BUDGIT
27 February, 2018 by 10:30 AM
Transcorp Hilton, Abuja
BudgIT is a civic organization that applies technology to intersect citizen engagement with institutional improvement, to facilitate societal change. A pioneer in the field of social advocacy melded with technology, BudgIT uses an array of tech tools to simplify the budget and matters of public spending for citizens, with the primary aim of raising the standard of transparency and accountability in government.
BudgIT with support from MacArthur Foundation partnered to provide Education budget data access to citizens in urban and underserved communities in Nigeria, raising their awareness of the right of access to budget information and promoting their willingness and action to monitor projects and demand for better service delivery. The summit hopes to bring together Nigeria’s Education Minister, development partners, stakeholders, and civil society organizations in the education sector.
This conference will provide a meaningful opportunity for dialogue as well as aligning the Education sector with fighting corruption in Nigeria. The diversity of panelists and invitees will broaden the education financing debate while focusing on critical challenges and opportunities around the theme of equitable access to quality learning.
This event is open to the general public.